Food Allergies and Grandchildren

Has your child been diagnosed with food allergies?

Do you feel comfortable with the level of care your food allergic child receives from his or her grandparents?

If you are a grandparent, do you have questions about how to safely care for your grandchild?

A diagnosis of food allergies typically requires some changes in lifestyle such as…

⇒ Preparing, cooking, and serving food

⇒ Storing food

⇒ Choose a restaurant

⇒ Shopping for food, personal hygiene products, and home cleaning products

⇒ Spending time together

Whether your child or grandchild has a single or multiple food allergies the changes that you make help prevent a food allergy reaction and provide a safer environment.

Pocket Guide for Grandparents contains: helpful stories, tips, facts and resources to help you quickly learn how to safely cook, clean, shop for allergy friendly foods, choose a restaurant, focus on fun activities rather than food, and more…

Pocket Guide for Grandparents: Food Allergies & Grandchildren can help you create a new normal way of spending time together while managing food allergies.

This convenient pocket sized book can be easily carried in your purse, shopping bag, or pocket. Keep it handy to provide answers to questions and solve problems when they arise

Category: Food

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